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<span>Full Sew-In ($225)</span>
Full Sew-In ($225)

Complete closure sew in (using wefted hair). None of your real hair is left out with this sew-in, therefore it can NOT be pulled up in a ponytail. Low Ponytails only. This is ideal for natural hair, thin hair, or extremely short hair. For a sew-in with a frontal  there is an additional charge .

<span><span>Full Sew-In w/closure($250.00)</span></span>
Full Sew-In w/closure($250.00)

This a full sewin , no leave out .Also includes installing of purchased closure.


<span><span><span>Partial Sew-In  ($150.00) </span></span></span>
Partial Sew-In  ($150.00)

A partial sew-in requires you to leave out a large portion of your hair and is a great option to add length and volume to your hair. 

<span>In Between Sew-In ($30.00 per track)</span>
In Between Sew-In ($30.00 per track)

Your real hair is out in between each track. . This technique is best if you are wanting thickness. You only need one bag of hair for this option.

<span><span><span><span>Take out/wash/new Full sew in ($275.00+)</span></span></span></span>
Take out/wash/new Full sew in ($275.00+)

This service includes: Cutting threads, unbraiding, shampoo, condition, trim ends and install of a new sew-in style. If you are installing the same hair, this service includes washing your weave before re-using it  starting at an additional $35.00. 

<span><span>Take Out starts at ($50) per complication </span></span>
Take Out starts at ($50) per complication

This service includes: Cutting threads, unbraiding, and comb thru, in order to prepare you for the next style. This process is time consuming so please advise your stylist when making your appointment. If your weave has been in for longer than the suggested 3 month max, it may be matted and there will be an extra charge.

Specialty Sew-ins
Specialty Sew-ins

Sew ins with frontals , closures and extra bundles start at $225 and up

Ponytail sew-in vary by  price and would require a consultation.

<span>2 Bundle Sew-in Packaged (400.00)12-18 inch</span>
2 Bundle Sew-in Packaged (400.00)12-18 inch

This service includes 2 bundles of hair, sew in and style!

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About us

Before and After is a full service salon specializing in Relaxers, Sew-Ins, Coloring, Conditioning and Moisturizing Treatments with Shea Butter or Moroccan Oils, Haircuts and more!



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Before and After The Salon
1601 Willow Lawn Drive
Suite 301E
Richmond, VA 23230
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